Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Not Good Enough, Obama

If you have been paying attention to Obama Tube, (I’m sorry, television), then the “Most Liberal Senator”-cum-centrist-President-Elect’s choice of conservative demigod Rick Warren to bloviate at the inauguration cannot have escaped notice. This choice, apparently made to show that Obama wishes to reach out to cultural conservatives is troubling in light of the despicable discrimination of Warren’s church against openly gay and lesbian people. In light of all the help Obama lent the fight to shoot down Proposition 8 in California, though, I guess it’s only fair that he include other viewpoints at his inauguration. Oh, except of course the President-Elect made no such effort. I’m beginning to think that I’m living in an alternate universe where gay rights have vanished from the agenda of the Democratic Party. The news yesterday that Obama has decided, ostensibly in acquiescence to the demands of outraged gay groups, to include the openly gay Episcopal bishop V. Gene Robinson in an “inaugural event” days before the actual article does little to calm me. Exactly how many people will be watching this event around the country? In the interest of conforming to President-Elect Obama’s own principles, principles of tolerance and fairness, Rick Warren should not be allowed as the only religious speaker of his inauguration.


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